
Born in Berlin, Fabian Boreck studied at the Academy of Music 'Hanns Eisler' Berlin and holds a baroque cello Master's Degree from the University of the Arts Berlin.

After earlier projects as principal cellist of the Berlin State Youth Orchestra, he was a permanent member of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie (major federal student orchestra Young German Philharmonic), substitute in the Konzerthausorchester Berlin and a member of the Orchestra Academy of the Staatskapelle Weimar.

He attended masterclasses with Peter Bruns, Gustav Rivinius, Wolfgang Boettcher and Markus Möllenbeck.


Fabian Boreck is the associate Principal Cellist of the Oldenburg State Orchestra (Germany) and is also active as a soloist and chamer musician. Due to his interest in audiophile music listening, film music and sound engineering he is also asked by composers for recordings. His decades-long passion for improvisation makes him a sought-after artist in this field, hence he has worked with musicians and producers from Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA and Australia. He is gradually publishing his solo improvisations as detailed sheet music editions, which can be downloaded here at → Media.


Fabian Boreck came to early music via the organ. His intensive study of performance practice, musicology of the 16th to 18th centuries, the production of detailed urtext editions of sheet music and the interest in city views and maps of this time already began in his school days; on the baroque cello he received further important impulses from renowned musicians from the Berlin and Cologne region. Over the years he has worked with artists such as Howard Arman, Reinhard Goebel, Tobias Gravenhorst, Jörg Halubek, Joachim Held, Peter van Heyghen, Wolfgang Katschner, Alexis Kossenko, Riccardo Minasi, Hille Perl, Luca Pianca, Ludger Rémy and Veronika Skuplik. As a guest he followed invitations to ensembles such as Berliner Barock Solisten, Les Amis de Philippe, Altera pars, Thüringer Bach Collegium, Chursächsische Capelle Leipzig, Norddeutsches Barock-Collegium, La Dolcezza, and others.


In his spare time, he enjoys taking fine art photographs of musical instruments as well as Germany's landscapes. → To photography



March 2024. This biography may not be edited without written permission.